Brassica Act 3 Status Update

Hi there!

It's been a while since we last posted a status report on Brassica's progress, so we wanted to give you all the latest news on where we're at and when you can expect Act 3.

(Note: This status update was originally posted two weeks ago on our Patreon. We have since updated our estimates to match our current progress and planning.)

So, as is often the case, development has been taking longer than anticipated. Between part-time and freelance work, along with working fully remote since the end of February, it's been a while since we could work full-time on Brassica or even just follow a regular meeting schedule.

As of writing this post, there are still eight scenes that need to be written for Act 3 (already counting route variations), in addition to one being currently in progress and two needing an additional editing pass to account for some story changes. In terms of art, there are five backgrounds, one NPC sprite, two character sprites, as well as route specific CGs missing to complete Act 3

Additionally, three music tracks need to be composed, the re-design of several menus needs to be finished after which they need to be programmed as well, sound needs to be implemented along with putting everything together and animating the character sprites for all scenes.

That sounds like there's still a lot to do, and there is, but even aside from slower than expected progress and revisions to the first two acts taking up most of early 2021, Act 3 is by far the longest act of the game so far.

Because of that, and because it's been a very long time since we last released new content, we decided to split Act 3 into two halves at a convenient plot point. This allows us to release the first half, for you to enjoy, as we complete the second half.

Previously we were aiming for a release this October, but have now moved it back to mid-November. We already knew our previous goal would be a little tight since the UI still needs a bunch of work before the re-design is fully presentable, and with some recent schedule changes it became clear the November goal would be much more achievable. We have also decided to keep the price at $5 for now and only raise it once the entirety of Act 3 is released.

As for the second half of Act 3, we currently don't have any clear predictions for when it will be ready. We'd like for it to be available before the end of the year, but it's still too early to say if this is a realistic goal or not. We've missed previously announced release windows often enough that we don't want to promise anything until we're sure that it's possible.

Well, and that's the gist of Brassica's current status! There are still two more announcements that we'll save for when the release of Act 3's second half is closer, but we hope you're excited that the next part of our princes' adventure isn't too far off now!

We also want to release a new proper devlog eventually, but we're still working out the logistics of how to best present it now that we no longer live in the same city and also prioritized working on the game rather than a devlog for the time being.

Thank you so much for your continued support, and we hope the wait for Act 3 will be worth it when it's finally released!

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I was worried about this game, since it had been so long since i'd heard about it, but i'm glad it's still being worked on! It was so fun when I played it awhile back, ahaha


Thanks for the update! I was just thinking about Brassica yesterday and how good it is (and waiting for more!) 

Exciting news! :D